Panchanga Sadas held - 5 Aug 2011

The Annual Panchanga Sadas - a meeting of scholars well-versed with and involved in preparing Panchangams - the traditional Annual calendar, was held at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, Kanchipuram on 5th August 2011. The sadas was held on the same date last year.

Agnihotra Sadas
Sadas in progress

To perform our rituals according to our religious tradition, five elements, namely, Thithi, Varam, Nakshatram, Yogam and Karanam, have to be taken into account to fix an auspicious time, day etc. Particulars of these elements are worked out by the learned pundits according to Hindu Culture, based on the Vedas and Sastras, and published in a self-contained book called Panchangam.

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